By: Jeff Winslow – February 5, 2018
MILFORD, Del. – Once again, Mohawk Electrical Systems, Inc. will be sponsoring the Greater Milford Boy’s and Girl’s Club annual bowl-a-thon. This year’s event will take place on Friday, March 9, 2018.
This annual event is held to get local businesses involved in the Boy’s and Girl’s Club mission to create after school and recreational activities for local youth. Mohawk has been a sponsor of the annual bowl-a-thon for the past few years.
Scott Welch, president of Mohawk, is excited to have his employees once again participate in the event to raise awareness and funds for the youth organization. “This is one local event that entices employees to participate while also supporting the community,” said Welch.
The bowl-a-thon will be held on Friday, March 9, 2018 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at The Milford Bowling Lanes on N. DuPont Hwy in Milford, Del. To learn more about the local chapter of the Boy’s and Girl’s Club and how you can be involved, please visit their website: www.bgclubs.org.