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Manufacturing Value No. 15 – Pride in Mohawk
Everyone should take pride and protection in their work place. At Mohawk, everyone has responsibility with their impact on the company. As a small business, everyone has influence on the company’s assets, goals and morale.
Protecting Mohawk assets is everyone’s responsibility. Replacing lost or damaged equipment is an unneeded expense. Losing time and production also interferes with our delivery schedules which negatively impacts customers. As a part of Mohawk’s impact on the environment, their are recycling and energy conservation initiatives in place.
To optimize working conditions and keep the environmental footprint to a low impact, it is important to keep interior and exterior doors shut around the production area. Using proper safety equipment and disposal processes also help keep production flowing.
This is the final value. If you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see on the blog please email: info@mohawk-usa.com