DID YOU KNOW? – When it comes time for an OEM to make the decision to keep their manufacturing state side, rather than out-sourcing to foreign markets- they are saving a lot more than just a few dollars?
It is no secret in manufacturing that many West Asian countries have very cheap labor which in return makes the cost of creating your custom assembly go down, but have you considered the headaches of different time zones that are more than 12 hours ahead for communication? If there is a quality issue, do they have a reliable engineer staff to correct it? These are all questions OEM’s should ask themselves before off-shoring their manufacturing.
Higher Labor means Higher Quality
While that statement may not always be true depending on the manufacturer, overseas, production personnel work on production lines in sometimes unethical working conditions. When using an American manufacturing company, most OEM’s have an opportunity to see the working conditions first hand. This in combination with fair wages create a more ethical work environment and when value is entrusted among the production staff, rather than assessed on them, quality of products being produced is greater and stronger than of an unhappy staff who works in minimalist conditions. Add on the ever changing working conditions, custom delays and tariffs; exporting from an off-shore company back to the United States is not always the best cost option.
Open Lines of Communication
As previously stated, contacting overseas manufacturers can sometimes have 12 hour difference in time zones which makes effective and timely communications almost impossible. When an OEM and a contract manufacturer have open lines of communication, it instills trust in one another to meet each other’s end goal. Overnight delivery is not always an option when using overseas companies as for the aforementioned delays, but when sourcing domestically, next day means next day.
Buy Local, Support Local
It is the same in retail; when you buy from a small business the money goes back into the community. Contract manufacturers employ your neighbors and community events. Mohawk is very active in local chapters of Boy’s and Girl’s Club, Chamber of Commerce committees, state manufacturing boards and more. Like Mohawk, other contract manufacturers give back to the local community where you live. Using a domestic supplier, rather than an international one, keeps it in your local economy and helps your neighbors flourish in their careers and local economy boom.
Contact Mohawk today to learn the Mohawk Advantage for you next locally supported OEM project!